
Welcome to LLT

Welcome The Lydiate Learning Trust is a network of schools and academies across communities in the North West of England.

Welcome from CEO

Ann Stahler CEO and Executive Headteacher of the Lydiate Learning Trust. As Chief Executive Officer of Lydiate Learning Trust I am privileged to work with great teams of Governors, staff, students and parents.

Vision & Aims

OUR ETHOS : ENGAGE, ENABLE, EMPOWER “We engage with all within our Trust and beyond to enable them to show the world their particular strengths, their ideas and their passion” We do this by… Empowering individuals through learning Fostering a “can-do” attitude.


Our Values Our values guide the decisions we make every day. RESPECT FOR OTHERS - Show respect for and value all individuals for their diverse backgrounds, experiences, styles, approaches, ideas and beliefs. TRUST - We build trust through responsible actions and honesty. PERSONAL

Strategic Plan

Our 2019-22 Strategic Plan sets out our vision and values and how we intend to achieve our aims.

Our Team

The Board of Trustees is supported by the Executive Leadership team. Led by Ann Stahler, CEO/Executive Headteacher.

Annual Reports and Statutory Information

Key Documents relating to our Trust and Schools.


GDPR Information For contact details of our Data Protection Officer (DPO) please see below: DPO: Judicium Education Lead Contact: Craig Stilwell Email: dataservices@judicium.com Tel: 02033269174 / Central desk: 02073368406 CLICK HERE for the LLT Policies page and further GDPR information.


LLT schools work closely with the local community and with the local authorities in which the Academy/school is situated, as a result all admissions for our Academies are controlled by the Local Authority.

Equality Objectives

Find here the LLT Equality & Diversity Policy, LLT Equality & Diversity Framework and LLT Equality Objectives.

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