Professional Learning & Development

Access to career-long professional development is the mainstay of so many professions and, at Lydiate Learning Trust, as educators, such career-long professional development is rooted in our commitment to making a difference to the young people in our schools. Of paramount importance, is our endeavour to improve the life chances of all our students and ensure they become the best version of themselves and experience the best quality education they deserve, thus empowering all learners to become life-long learners

It is so important to think of our careers as a journey on which we embark: developing, embedding, leading and collaborating, within LLT and beyond. We work closely with our Trust schools and SCITT in order to guarantee our young people experience only the very best at a Lydiate Learning School, we must offer them only the very best. We ensure that in our guise as teachers, tutors, supporters, champions and leaders, we are committed to a journey of self-improvement and learning ourselves, so that our Continuing Professional Developmet and Learning (CPDL) really does make that difference.