The Trust believes the role of the sponsor is one of improving attainment in the sponsored school and will provide:
- Support to leadership at all levels
- Quality first teaching of the highest standard based on co-operative learning techniques.
- Individual targeted support at all levels and clear progression routes
- A range of extra-curricular opportunities that enhance the curriculum and broaden horizons whilst further enhancing skill development and leadership
We also offer several other additional strands, simply because we believe passionately that these things contribute to successful schools.
- Support for leadership development including succession and talent management at all levels.
- First class professional development, personalised and tailor-made to the individual.
- Initial teacher training with a focus on “growing our own” staff for the future.
- A full understanding of each, and every, child, not only academically, but as an individual with specific needs.
- Full support for enrichment and engagement e.g. Duke of Edinburgh, International visits, sports, music, enterprise events etc.
- Effective Information careers advice and guidance working closely with local, national and international employers.
How do we support?
We believe that every child deserves the same chances in life and that includes the right to a good education.
To support them on the journey to outstanding we provide a range of core services and support.
Leadership and Management
- An annual review and associated interim reviews to monitor and plan progress.
- Access to a range of school improvement services e.g. educational expertise in the form of targeted interventions, curriculum planning, use of data, recruitment, teaching and learning support.
- Access to shared CPD programmes and courses
- Opportunities for Principals and staff to share good practice and resources.
- Access to services outside the Trust used for benchmarking.
Legal, financial and statutory support
- Access to central procurement services e.g. tendering for goods and services, buying support and commercial contract management.
- Support, advice, guidance and training for Governors.
- Access to HR support and legal advice.
- Support for capital building programmes in bidding for additional funds
- Support for facilities management
- ICT support
- Support with health and safety
- Financial expertise through the provision of support on budgets, policies, audit, systems etc.