Becoming a Non-Executive Director with Lydiate Learning Trust
The Non-Executive Director role in a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) is profoundly rewarding as it allows you to make a real impact on;
- Raising standards in schools thereby improving the calibre of school leavers, supporting the wider regional economy;
- Helping the next generation secure their future;
- Improving the life chances of young people,
It will also help you to;
- Gain unparalleled strategic leadership experience, utilising your expertise in a completely new sector;
- Gain company and charity non-executive experience.
You will be responsible for:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Preparing the Trust for the future, in an ever changing landscape.
- Holding Executive Leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation, making sure all public money is well spent.
Time Commitment
Directors are required to attend at least 2 x LLT Board meetings per term of 2 hours each with around 1.5 hours of pre-reading required for each.
You may also be asked to serve on a sub-committee that meets once per Term and/or participate in ad hoc committees as required.
Appointment is subject to employment checks including with the DBS.
Like to know more?
If you would like to express interest in becoming a Non-Executive Director or get to know more about the role, please contact
- Deborah Moss MSc, MPCIPD
- Senior Governance Professional, Lydiate Learning Trust
- Email:
- Mobile: 07853 140 551